Enkaryon Ang / 從水跡出發 / Departing from the Water’s Trace

Photo: Chih Yuan Wang



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Wonderful World Videos / Hibakujumoku // Exchanges about wildlife and climate breakdown


The Japanese term for the surviving trees is «hibaku jumoku». These have been thoroughly fenced off, some have been moved from their original locations and 200 of them still live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki together. In 2011, Green Legacy Hiroshima was founded, with the support of UNITAR and others, to distribute seeds and seedlings of the surviving trees to botanical gardens and official institutions around the world.

NWCC and Wonderful World presents you to a conversation about nature as a victim of war, and to a conversation about how a better understanding of nature is one of our few hopes for the future.

Short introduction by Kevin Koui Naka Meeg, student St. Olav VGS and member of the Norwegian project group for «Hibakujumoku

Participants /

Tomoko Watanabe, founder of Green Legacy Hiroshima, runs the NGO «ANT Hiroshima», she received the Kiyoshi Tanimoto Peace Prize in 2022

Andreas Løvold, arborist UiO Botanical Garden

Adam Welz, South African author, conservationist, filmmaker and photographer, latest book is «The End of Eden: Wild Nature in the Age of Climate Breakdown»

Moderator is Anders Dunker, author, journalist, philosopher and painter, his upcoming interview book about nature is called «Unknown Territory»

The program has been created in collaboration with Ekuko Naka and Helene Espedal-Selvåg.

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Hydromania / Assaf Gavron

/ Photo: Fana Feng

Part I: Eon

She wakes up thirsty, as usual, but this time it’s harder, as if there is sand in her throat. She sits up straight in her bed and strokes her throat, trying to transfer saliva from her palate so that it won’t hurt to swallow. Then she moves the same two fingers to her arm, halfway between her left elbow and shoulder, and touches a tiny nodule under the skin. There’s no money here, is the thought that crosses her mind. I have nothing. This piece of Silicon-Titanium might as well be used as a toothpick. Then she recalls what Dagi told her.

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